.22 Hunter Matches provide a real world test of your hunting skills. Blind stages with 1-4 targets of unknown distance challenges competitors in their ability to find game, range it and finally engage it.
Go Big Tactical is a proud sponsor of the Canadian shooting community and its events. They provide the very best products for precision shooting in both rimfire and centerfire disciplines. Their support has been invaluable in providing Canadians opportunities to compete from coast-to-coast.
This is a self-supported match. All gear to be used for the day including all ammo, food, water and clothing must travel will all competitors throughout the day. There will be no access to vehicles once the match begins. Be prepared to walk. No buggies, carts or wagons are permitted (unless you have specific physical limitations in that case you have the option to ride in the air conditioned safety vehicle with all the drinks.
Stages are blind with each stage containing 1,2 or 4 targets.
Competitors may shoot as Individuals or Teams. All targets must be found, ranged and engaged within the allotted time. Individuals - 4 minutes, Teams (2 shooters) - 6 Minutes.
ROs will provide the stage briefing to the competitors just prior to their stage start.
Scoring will be as folllows:
1st round hit = 2 points
2nd round hit = 1 point
Maximum 2 shots per target/position.
Shooting positions may be off existing local features or shooter provided support (rucks/tripods) The following position must be 1 step away from the previous or 2 feet above. The formula for the number of positions are 1 target = 4 positions, 2 targets = 2 positions, 4 targets = 1 position. There is a maximum of 8 engagements per shooter.
There are 3 divisions:
1 - Open Individual
2 - Open Team
3 - Stealth (stealth competitors may receive coaching but are not eligible for medals)
We will also be recognizing Top Youth (18 and under), Top Woman and Top Senior (55 and over) shooters.
A competitor may compete as both an individual or as part of a team of 2.
Electronic rangefinders are permitted and encouraged.
This is a self-supported match. All gear to be used for the day including all ammo, food, water and clothing must travel will all competitors throughout the day. There will be no access to vehicles once the match begins. Be prepared to walk. No buggies, carts or wagons are permitted (unless you have specific physical limitations in that case you will be forced to ride in the air conditioned safety vehicle with all the drinks. :) )
Stages are blind with each stage containing 1,2 or 4 targets.
Competitors may shoot as Individuals or Teams. All targets must be found, ranged and engaged within the allotted time. Individuals - 4 minutes, Teams (2 shooters) - 6 Minutes.
ROs will provide the stage briefing to the competitors just prior to their stage start.
Scoring will be as folllows:
1st round hit = 2 points
2nd round hit = 1 point
Maximum 2 shots per target/position.
Shooting positions may be off existing local features or shooter provided support (rucks/tripods) The following position must be 1 step away from the previous or 2 feet above. The formula for the number of positions are 1 target = 4 positions, 2 targets = 2 positions, 4 targets = 1 position. There is a maximum of 8 engagements per shooter.
There are 3 divisions:
1 - Open Individual
2 - Open Team
3 - Stealth (stealth competitors may receive coaching but are not eligible for medals)
We will also be recognizing Top Youth (18 and under), Top Woman and Top Senior (55 and over) shooters.
A competitor may compete as both an individual or as part of a team of 2.
Electronic rangefinders are permitted and encouraged.
Copyright © 2025 Canadian Rimfire Precision Series - All Rights Reserved.